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Llandudno Arts Society Presentation

Craig y Don Community Centre, Queens Road, Craig y Don, Llandudno, Conwy LL30 1TE
Tuesday 12 Mar 2024
Doors open at 1.30 pm.
Presentation commences at 2.15 pm.
Refreshments provided.
£8.00 entrance fee for visitors.
07879441511 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Llandudno Arts Society Presentation

A presentation on - An Ideal Partnership - Lutyens and Jekyll given by:-
James Bolton set up his garden design business in 1992, following two years as Head Gardener at the Old Rectory, Farnborough. He was Faculty Director of Design History at the Inchbald School of Design and still lectures extensively on garden history. He has written a number of articles on gardens and a book on garden ornaments, called ‘Garden Mania.’James became the fourth proprietor of Border Lines in 2008. Border Lines is the oldest garden tour company in Britain. James Bolton lectures extensively on gardens and garden history, having been a working gardener in Farnborough and the Palais des Parcs et Jardins in Paris.
The last two decades of the nineteenth century reverberated with the row amongst gardeners and architects. At a stroke, the problem was solved by the partnership between Gertrude Jekyll and Edwin Lutyens, so that a house by Lutyens with a garden by Jekyll became an Edwardian ideal. Together they designed gardens with a strong architectural background, softened by luxuriant planting in the natural style advocated by Robinson. Their partnership thrived in the brash, new-moneyed Edwardian era, but the First World War ended that golden afternoon and so the gardens they designed together were fewer and further between.
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