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Traditional Karate Classes

venue addressHoliday Inn Basildon, Festival Leisure Park, Waterfront Walk, Basildon, Essex SS14 3DG
event dateTue 18 Feb, Tue 25 Feb, Tue 4 Mar
event timesJuniors: 7pm - 8pm
Adults: 8pm - 9:30pm

Telephone for details 07931 686057
telephone 07931 686057 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Traditional Karate Classes

Traditional Karate as taught by the Grayston Family, the father (Stephen Grayston) holds 10 Dan from Japan.

We are registered with our governing body and international governing body. Members of Kodo Butoku Renmei.

You do not need any previous experience, or degree of fitness. Start with a friend and both enjoy it!