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Artistic Temperaments | Try the Pianos Session

venue addressTurner Sims, Building 52, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton, Southampton, Hampshire SO17 1BJ
event dateFriday 14 February and Saturday 15 February
event timesCapacity and Timings:

Try the Pianos sessions are limited to 1 person per 30-minute slot but friends and family are welcome to watch. Slots will take place every 30 minutes during the following times:

Friday 14 February 2pm – 7pm
Saturday 15 February 9.30am – 11am
Saturday 15 February 12pm – 3pm
Saturday 15 February 4pm – 7pm

£10 (£9 Friends)
telephone 023 8059 5151 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Artistic Temperaments | Try the Pianos Session

Discover what it’s like to play a keyboard instrument tuned in historic temperaments.

During the Artistic Temperaments Festival, the University of Southampton Music Department is offering the chance to play historic keyboard instruments in the University’s Keyboard Room.

You’ll have the chance to play the Schantz pianoforte (a modern replica of the Viennese Grand of 1802) and the Taskin 2-manual harpsichord (modern replica of Paris 1769), with Music Students on hand to support you.

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