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A FREE Guided Butterfly Walk to Pamber Forest & Silchester Common

Join us for a trip to Pamber Forest and Silchester Common. The former is a Hants and Isle of White Wildlife Trust Nature Reserve, the latter is owned and managed by Silchester Parish Council. Pamber Forest is an extensive ancient woodland, dominated by Oak and Hazel, that has been traditionally managed as ‘coppice with standards’ woodland, making it ideal for a range of wildlife. Silchester Common is one of the largest remaining fragments of lowland heath in Southern England which supports a range of specialist butterflies and other wildlife.

We will start off exploring the rides and glades in Pamber Forest to see what we can find. Hopefully one of the woodland specialists like Silver-washed Fritillary or White Admiral will already be on the wing.

We will then transfer to Silchester Common where we will search for heathland specialists. Target species: Silver-studded Blue and other heathland and woodland butterflies.

Please don’t forget to bring a picnic lunch and drink if you are staying for the afternoon. We will eat lunch at/near the car park and can chat about all things butterfly, moth and conservation.

Accessibility & risks: Pamber Forest – mainly relatively flat or gently sloping; paths mainly firm in dry weather; regular benches and one gate. Silchester Common – Paths are sandy and more uneven, with plenty of gorse and roots to trip over. Please check for ticks after the walk and let the leader know if you have picked up any ticks. (Tick advice)
Please check here the evening before the walk to make sure it is going ahead as planned. This page will be updated regularly.

Meet at the lay-by on Impstone Road.
Postcode: RG26 3EQ
What3Words: nozzles.novel.chestnuts
Pamber Forest & Silchester Common Hampshire RG26 3EQ
Sat 29 June
Contact telephone: 07434 652770 Call to check latest times or cancellations.